TFAS Spotlight – Derek Hosford ’18
Get to know Business + Government Relations program track alumnus Derek Hosford ’18.
Derek Hosford ’18
Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI
Internship: Social Impact 360
College: Michigan State University
What was the most interesting thing you did at your internship?
When I started at my internship Social Impact 360, they were working on a portal to connect their alumni with current undergraduate students around the country. I was given the opportunity to interview various alumni who are now successful entrepreneurs in numerous fields about their enterprises. It was amazing to connect with all of them, and each one taught me something I didn’t know about entrepreneurship.
What did you like most about living in Washington, DC?
I got to meet and live with twenty other undergraduate guys who all come from different backgrounds and have different political views. I now have connections all over the country, and I made a few lifelong friends.
How did you grow professionally during your time in Washington, DC?
I learned how to live and work independently away from my family and friends. This summer greatly improved my communication skills with strangers and increased my confidence and self-esteem. I also found more career goals through this program.
What was your favorite TFAS event?
My favorite TFAS event was the memorial tour at the beginning of the program. I had never been to DC before this summer and being able to experience the city for the first time with other politically motivated students was a real treat.
What was the most challenging aspect of the program?
The schedule is very intense. Make the most of every opportunity, you’ll feel a real sense of accomplishment after the summer ends.